
Reading Package

A deep dive on the astrological weather + how it activates your natal chart

Book Now

Three months of personalized horoscopes

Three 60-minute calls

You'll receive 3 separate readings for 3 distinct months.

Custom Guidance

Go beyond generic horoscopes and get specific details about what the astro weather is activating for you.

Ongoing Support

Ask questions anytime between appointments with exclusive Voxer access. 

I was facing a lot of big events in my life and business, so I turned to Dana to help give me some guidance.  I wanted insights on my personal Astrological profile in the upcoming months.  Each month Dana walked me through the upcoming transits and how they could affect me based on my natal chart.  Knowing these details made it easy to make important decisions regarding travel, signing contracts, and when to schedule surgery.  She offered in-depth explanations and answered all of my questions.  Working with Dana was an amazing experience.



Payment Plan


over 3 months


Pay in Full


1 upfront payment


From the start, it was clear that Dana has a passion and knowledge for interpreting personal astrology that goes way beyond anything I have ever experienced. My reading not provided individualized chart analysis, but helped me integrate the knowledge with what I already know about myself.

She helped me understand how to prepare for future energy movements, pinpointing the exact days in the kindest and most loving way. It's like someone handing you a road map for your future, pointing out important places and awareness along the way, while being aware of the past journey without even personally knowing you.

The information I received was valuable as I now can plan how to support, celebrate and take care of myself as the future unfolds.”
