Get Witchy Wisdom Weekly.

Get in on my free weekly energy forecast, Witchy Wisdom Weekly, where I break down the upcoming astrological weather and provide tools, advice, and practices for meeting the moment with clarity and confidence. 

Your most aligned, lit-up life ain't happenin' on its own. 

Let me hit you with some real talk:  

Sitting back and waiting for the part where life gets good is a recipe for staying stuck. 😓

And when it comes to getting unstuck? The only way out is through. 

But there's good news: 

You already have everything within you to make this happen.

🙅🏻‍♀️ And you don’t need to be perfect, have all the answers, or wait for the stars to align to begin.

You can start right now, exactly where you are. 

Want Deep, Personalized Astrological Insights? You Won’t Find That on Google.

I translate astrology into accessible, actionable guidance that aligns you with your power and potential. 

I started studying astrology in 2018 and eventually discovered its incredible power as an integrative embodiment practice. Before long, I was using astrology for inner child work, self-discovery, and mindfulness, just to name a few. 

Astrology has helped me become person writing this to you today. It gave me the insight, perspective, and validation I needed to stop living scared and become who I was meant to be. It would be my absolute honor to help you harness the alchemy of astrology do the same. 

about Dana →

Featured In

Nightlight Astrology

Monthly Horoscope Co-Host 

The David Odyssey Show 

Lilith in Libra: She's Had Enough 

Lit AF Relationships

Astrology for Self-Awareness

Knowing how to interpret the astrology is one thing.

But it's knowing how to use it that changes everything.

Astrology for self-reclamation isn't just about learning astrology.

It’s about choosing an intention –  both for how you want to use astrology, and for how you want to move through life.

When you have an intention, you can begin to use astrology as a tool to...

🌟 align your daily actions with your deepest values and desires

🌟 navigate your inner world with a celestial compass

🌟 uncover the hidden gems within you

🌟 wake up every day feeling connected to your true self, confident in your path, and excited about what’s ahead.

This isn’t some far-off dream—it’s a reality you can start creating today – all through using astrology to understand yourself and integrate what you discover.

I created Self Help Witch specifically to provide the kind of guidance, tools, and community that spiritual seekers need on their self-reclamation journeys.

You know the answers you've been looking for are within you. Now it’s time to find them.

It’s time to harness the power of astrology to create the authentically aligned, lit-up life you’ve always dreamed of.

discover how →

Dana's reading was spot-on and useful. She presented information about my chart in a clear way and really connected it to my life at the moment. Some of the things that Dana said about placements in my charts are verbatim thoughts that run through my head constantly. I felt heard, related to, and connected. It was a delight to work with her!

- Aaliyah T

My reading with Dana left me in this state of calm for hours afterwards. I finally felt I could put aside my overly-analytical and over-worrying mind about my internal nature and lean into my potential and capacity. The explanations she gave were not only spot-on and clear, but I felt loved as she unraveled my chart with compassion. Plus we had fun!

- Lacey D.